Today, we see the significance of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius through the plaster cast, Erotic arts, architecture and buildings left behind in ancient Roman times. Another fascinating aspects of Pompeii's significance ruins is the connection between architecture and decoration in the four architectural periods of the city. Studies have been made of the impressive observations from Pliny's letters and the unique excavations, including the 3 sources used as evidence to provide day to day connections between the significance of the roman life to the significance of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that impacted on Roman life styles. Today, Pompeii shows a significance for its ruins as it gives us knowledge about what to expect about Roman times and the excavations which gives up in-depth knowledge to what Romans were like back in the days.
The picture above which shows the plaster casts of those who were traped by the pyroclastic flow shows the significance of how much damage Mount Vesuvius caused and it also give us a knowledge of how the plaster casts came together during that 24 hours of the eruption.